29 March 2016

Needle Peak: The Project Project

Well, it's Project Project time again, this time at Needle Peak. A place where the rock quality is too good to loose interest and spring season is prime. Since early March we've made a strong effort to complete all the last great projects at Needle Peak. The guide book I am working on (actually a free PDF and/or google map for all of you) is nearly complete, and the research has uncovered some forgotten places on the mountain. Beautiful rock and undone boulders found up to a decade ago, and for whatever reason we did not return to finish, are catching my interest. In some cases less than a hundred yards form the parking lot.

Two of the more eye catching lines were exactly that, less than a hundred yards from the parking lot! Here is a link to my Vimeo page for the FAs of The Deer Hunter and Krinklesac.

Spring comes in fits in Wyoming, so the progress has been slow enough. Sun on a single day might give enough time to finish something, but snow has rolled in more than not. Twice as many projects than days to climb them, but a few more will get done. A few more will not and there will be a project or two listed in the guide book. It is worth noting that I do not close a project, ever. So, get over to Needle Peak and put some chalk on the rock! If you do something new, let me know a name and grade and I will take a look and add it to the topos for the guide. Needle Peak is a treasure, go enjoy it this spring.

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